How to Change Line Spacing in WordPress

When you are writing a blog or simply making content, minor elements like line spacing can greatly influence your content’s aesthetics and readability. It also improves SEO and can increase your website’s view count. And this is exactly why you need to know how to change line spacing in WordPress. 

If you ever found yourself squinting at your screen, wishing you could just give those lines of text a little more breathing room; or maybe you wanted to tighten things up a bit for a sleeker look- this mini tutorial is for you.

In today’s how-to, we will see the A-Z of how to change line spacing in WordPress. Without any further ado, let’s go right in, or maybe I should say let’s get spacing!

How to Change Line Spacing in WordPress

Usually, when you press the enter or return button on your keyboard WordPress automatically adds a double space and starts a new paragraph.

Now if you want to have a single line spacing just press Shift+Enter, it will give a single line break instead of a paragraph break. 

The Spacer Block

If you want to add more space between two paragraphs you can use the Spacer block. Simply click on the plus (+) sign between the blocks, search for spacer and click on it to insert the block.

It adds a 100px space by default. You can increase or decrease the space by dragging it or from the right-hand side options panel. 

And you are done. 

And Other Blocks

Now that should be able to get the job done, but if you want something extra, you can use the separator or divider block; and for that, you will need a good plugin. My top pick is Ultimate Blocks, install and activate the plugin from your WordPress Dashboard and just go for their Separator or Divider block, both are just as amazing.


And there you have it, now that you know how to change line spacing in WordPress, you will be able to make your posts and pages look just the way you want them to. And you know the right line spacing can make all the difference in readability and SEO, so please go ahead and experiment, find what works best for you.

Hope this helped. Thank you. 

Read Also:

Introducing a New Table Block Plugin - Tableberg
This is default text for notification bar