An engaging website always draws in more and more visitors and ensures that they stay. And in WordPress, where everything is customizable, you can create a nice and engaging website from scratch very easily.
Like the rest of the elements of the site, the header also falls in the highly customizable category. The header basically sets the tone of the entire website since it’s the very first thing the visitors going to see, which contains most of the important buttons as well. So it is pretty important that you put in some extra effort to make it stand out. Maybe you can start by changing the header background color, as it works as the canvas for all of your buttons.
Now if you have zero idea on how to change header background color in WordPress and looking for ways you can do that, this little how-to will show you just that. It doesn’t even take a full minute. Let’s see.
How to Change Header Background Color in WordPress (Block Theme)
The whole process is comparatively easier with the block themes than the classic themes. In this tutorial, I’m going to stick to the block themes. Make sure you do too.
So first, go to your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to Appearance, and click Editor.

Next, click on Patterns, where you will find Templates Parts, select Header, and then click on the header part.

Now click on the header again,

and select the Styles tab from the right-hand side options panel; then click on Background from the color section.

You will find a color palette there; select the color you want.

Lastly, click on the Save button on the top right. And you are done. See, easy.
That’s all, I’m sure you can easily change the header background on your own by now. Start your website customization with your header, more specifically, your header background color. One step at a time. And then if you want to know how to add a button to the header in WordPress, I have something for you.
I hope this helped you with what you were looking for. Thanks.
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