How to Remove index.php from the URL in WordPress

If you have a WordPress website then you might have seen URLs containing index.php many times, which is by the way, not good. This messes with the user-friendliness of your URL and can often result in a 404-page missing error. Also if you are into blogging, having one of these at the end of your URL totally ruins the purpose of using long-tail-keywords (absolutely not good for SEO).

This could happen for many reasons, maybe you just migrated your site to another host/server or maybe your incorrectly done permalinks settings need a little fixing. Regardless of the reason, you need to get rid of this.

And if you are wondering how to remove index.php from the URL in WordPress, this mini tutorial will show you just that. The whole process is very easy, very quick. Let’s jump right into it.

How to Remove index.php from the URL in WordPress

Usually, this ‘index.php’ thing appears in the URL of a post when there is an improper permalink structure. So the first step of addressing this issue is going to be checking if the permalink structure was set properly in the first place.

And for that, go to your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Settings, then Permalinks

Then check if the structure is set to ‘Post name’; if yes, good. And if it’s not, select the Post name option;

and click on the Save Changes button. The index.php should be removed from the URL by now. 

That’s it. You are good to go. 


So that’s how you can remove index.php from the URL in WordPress. You barely need 20 seconds of your time to do this.

Hope this helped. Thank you.

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  • Updated 2025-01-18 (Samira Islam)
    • Embedded YouTube video.

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