How to Add an FAQ Section to Your WordPress Site

The world of internet and website design is always changing. And here, user experience always comes first. To improve engagement and user satisfaction on your WordPress website, consider integrating a little Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.

This quick addition will save you time, enhance user engagement, and increase the credibility of your site with fast answers to common queries. If you run a WordPress website and want to better your user experience while making navigation simpler, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you are pretty seasoned or a beginner taking your first steps, we’ve got you covered. In this step-by-step guide, we will go over the why, how, and what of integrating this feature, making your site more user-friendly and informative than ever before.

But first, let’s have a thorough look at this FAQ thing.

What Is A FAQs Section?

Frequently Asked Queries or FAQs, are a component of a website that provides quick answers to frequent queries that visitors might have.

It enables users to easily get answers to their commonly inquired issues without having to contact customer service or browse the entire website. FAQs are usually laid out in a question-and-answer format, covering topics relevant to the website’s content, or services.

How To Add FAQs Section Using Ultimate Blocks

There are multiple ways to include a FAQ section on your WordPress website. Today, we’ll use Ultimate Blocks to add one as it has the easiest way out there.

So the very first thing, you need to get the plugin and install it. You can get it directly from your WordPress dashboard and it’s free (it has a pro version, you might want to check that out too). Go to the WordPress dashboard, then click on Plugins (1), then Add New (2), and then type Ultimate Blocks in the search bar (3), and hit enter. Then just click on the install (4) button and activate the plugin.

Now coming to the add FAQ section part, the ‘Content Toggle’ block from Ultimate Blocks will do it for you.

Go to the post/page where you want to add your FAQ section. Then, to add a new block, click the (+) icon. Find and select the ‘Content Toggle’ block and drag it into the editor.

Then you will get to see a page like this-

You need to add the questions on the panel title and the answers right below. You can add images, videos, or anything you want into the block. You can also make customizations like title color, border, and many more.

You can add more accordions by clicking on the (+) sign.

From the right-hand side of the editor, you can enable the ‘FAQ Schema’ as well.

There you go, now you can have a FAQ section of your own.


The key to a great FAQ section is not only its presence but also its content. Always make sure your common inquiries are curated with your audience’s needs and concerns in mind. Also, keep your FAQs up to date to reflect the evolving dynamics of your website.

Thank you for reading this far; hope this helped!

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